The goal of Apex Physical Therapy is simple but not always easy. It is to assess a client’s existing musculoskeletal or neurological injury, create a treatment plan to address all factors contributing to the associated dysfunction, and most importantly - to execute the plan efficiently and thoroughly.

Apex Physical Therapy is different than almost any other physical therapy clinic. As the owner and only Physical Therapist here, it is guaranteed that a client will be working with myself during each session (there are no aides or PT assistants on staff). Working with 1 clinician the entire time is very critical to ensure timely, consistent progression and the best results. There is virtually no waiting time spent in a waiting room - you will find yourself starting your sessions within minutes of arrival. The atmosphere of the open 2,000 square foot clinic is free-flowing and allows you to work on your exercises in a comfortable yet secure environment.

Every patient is different and important. Throughout my 18 (!!) years of being in private practice at Apex, I have had the privilege of meeting thousands of individuals and going through numerous treatment programs (both surgical and non-surgical). In doing so, I have learned that everyone is different - and that likewise, every injury is also different. Treatment programs and protocols need to be tailored to the unique situations of the individual and injury to attain the best possible results. I am happy to be able to say that over the years, I have given each client my best effort and that I will continue to do so.

Apex Physical Therapy treats a wide array of surgical as well as non-surgical injuries. Some common diagnoses that we treat include: (There are many more that we treat but are not listed).

  • Spine: (Cervical, thoracic, lumbar)

    Disc herniation, sciatica, nerve root impingement, microdiscectomy, fusion, annular tear, stiffness, core weakness, back strain/pain

  • Shoulder:

    Rotator cuff tear, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), Total shoulder arthroplasty (shoulder replacement), impingement, stiffness, weakness, tendinitis, scapular dyskinesia

  • Elbow:

    Fracture, tendinitis, stiffness, weakness, neuropathy

  • Wrist:

    Fracture, carpal tunnel syndrome, neuropathy, stiffness, weakness, pain, TFCC tear

  • Hip:

    Total hip arthroplasty (hip replacement), Labrum tear, tendinitis, stiffness, weakness, bursitis

  • Knee:

    Total knee arthroplasty (knee replacement), ACL reconstruction, meniscus tear, patellofemoral joint pain, stiffness, weakness, patellar tendinitis, MCL sprain, LCL sprain, ACL sprain, bursitis

  • Ankle and foot:

    Sprain, fracture, ATFL reconstruction, Achilles tendon reconstruction, tendinitis, plantar fascitis

  • Neurological

    Stroke, Parkinson’s, Muscular dystrophy, concussion, BPPV (vertigo), spinal cord injury, Multiple sclerosis